I’m Alison and I’ve been an entrepreneur for 25 years. Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of starting and building multiple multi-million-dollar corporations. Growing up in a family of self-made entrepreneurs, I was naturally drawn to the world of business from a young age.

After graduating with a degree in Marketing and Business Management, I returned home to kickstart my career in our family business. Starting in the role of Head of Marketing and Advertising, I quickly found my stride and was later promoted to Vice President. This position allowed me to indulge my creative side and contribute to the growth and development of our businesses.

Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to work in almost every area of business, from customer support to full corporate management. I’ve had the incredible chance to develop programs that intertwined with big names like Disney, World Wrestling Federation, Marvel, Mattel, and many more.

My entrepreneurial journey has been profoundly shaped by the wisdom passed down from my multi-generational entrepreneurial family, as well as the hard lessons I’ve learned along the way.

I empower women to overcome their brokenness and step confidently into business opportunities through tailored business coaching

Five years ago, I felt a profound calling from God to redirect my attention toward women's ministry. I envisioned a ministry that extended beyond the church walls, leveraging my business skills to empower women in their everyday lives.

The path to my ministry became clear during a challenging season of loss. The onset of COVID-19 brought unprecedented trials, including job losses for both my husband and myself. The pandemic lockdown triggered a period of profound depression and anxiety.

Shortly thereafter, my family was shaken to its core by the devastating losses of my grandmother and mother. Our grief was further compounded by the sudden departure of a close family member, leaving me feeling utterly broken. Amidst this turmoil, I experienced a moment of divine clarity. I heard God say,

"I'm taking you from Broken to Blessed. This is the glue that sticks it all together."

This revelation clarified my mission:

"Blending learned business skills with my passion for women's ministry."

My journey of overcoming adversity and finding purpose serves as an inspiration to countless women, showing that brokenness can become a defining moment that leads to a life of fulfillment and blessing.

creating space for you to step out the BROKEN and into the BLESSing

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